When working with ABC Title LLC. you may receive suspicious emails that may not be from ABC Title LLC.  Spammers are hard at work doing their best to try and trick you into sending your private information to someone other than ABC Title LLC.

Did you get an email that looks like it came from your Closing Team at ABC Title LLC. but it looks suspicious?


QUESTION: Did ABC Title’s email get hacked?

ANSWER: Short answer is no probably not. But check with your ABC Title contact if you get a suspicious email.

QUESTION: But the email says it’s from you, it has your first and last name and the email signature at the bottom looks the same. Is it from ABC Title?

ANSWER: Check the actual email address it came from. If it doesn’t come from an email address, then it is fake, BLOCK SENDER.

QUESTION: The email address it came from is the same as your ABC Title email address, what do I do?

ANSWER: Check with your ABC Title contact if you get a suspicious email. Below is a link to a detailed explanation of how spammers try to trick people.


What is Email Spoofing?

Detailed info about spoofing and how it works.